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AsiaPali Karma - Homecoming

AsiaPali Karma - Homecoming

Oh India !

हे भारत - मेरा भारत - मेरा जीवन - मेरा भाग्य! जया हे! आपको विजय - ओह शक्तिशाली राष्ट्र! विजय और समृद्धि!- एशिया पाली - Karma - एक प्राचीन आत्मा - भारत का एक पुत्र

Oh India - My India - My Life - My Destiny! Jaya Hey ! Victory to You - Oh Mighty Nation! Victory and Prosperity!
AsiaPali Karma - an ancient Soul - a Son of Bharat - India

IAF - So proud of our Indian Sons and Daughters

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Indian Army foils infiltration bid by heavily armed terrorists along LoC

JAMMU: The Army has foiled a major infiltration bid by a group of heavily armed terrorists along the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir's Poonch district, officials said on Friday.

The infiltration attempt was detected by alert troops of the Indian Army, defence spokesperson Lt Col Devender Anand said. "A group of heavily armed Pakistani terrorists attempted to infiltrate along the LoC in Poonch sector last night (Thursday)," he said.
"The infiltrators were challenged and heavy firing ensued," the spokesman said.
Owing to undulating terrain and heavy undergrowth, the terrorists managed to break contact and escape back towards Pakistan-Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK) under the cover of darkness, he said.
A thorough search of the encounter site was carried out, and a huge quantity of supplies left behind by the terrorists was recovered, including clothing, packaged food items and medicines with Pakistani markings, Lt Col Anand said.
The Indian Army maintains a determined resolve to thwart any infiltration attempts or nefarious designs by anti-national elements, he said.

The New Indian Express